The WRT54G v1 through v4 all work with Tomato or DD-WRT. v5 is a completely different animal with half the memory, but the WRT54GL is the same as WRT54G v1-4 and will work. This information is available in great detail on the Tomato and DD-WRT web sites. -Mike
WRT54G2 Tomato? - Linksys Community The WRT54G v1 through v4 all work with Tomato or DD-WRT. v5 is a completely different animal with half the memory, but the WRT54GL is the same as WRT54G v1-4 and will work. This information is available in great detail on the Tomato and DD-WRT web sites. -Mike OpenWrt Project: Linksys WRT54G, WRT54GL and WRT54GS According to the Linksys WRT54G series, the WRT54G-TM is nothing but a renamed WRT54GS v3.0. Because these models have additional RAM and FLASH they do not suffer from the constraints of the WRT54G and WRT54GL series and can run all versions of OpenWRT as of 11/1/2014. Tomato for Linksys, making Wi-Fi better | Computerworld
OpenWrt Project: Linksys WRT54G, WRT54GL and WRT54GS
Linksys WRT54GS v5.0 & 5.1 & 6.0 - DD-WRT Wiki 2018-5-31 · Power cycle the router, then after boot go to which should open the Linksys GUI and NOT a page that says Management Mode. If you see management mode, power cycle the router again. Enter "root" as the username and "admin" as the password Go to Administration -> Firmware Upgrade and select vxworks_prep_GS_v03.bin and hit Upgrade. Linksys WRT54GL - DD-WRT Wiki 2019-4-15 · Installation from Linksys firmware. Before starting, read the build info and Peacock announcement linked above. Recommended: check the MD5 HASH of the firmware after downloading - a bad hash can mean a bad firmware download (and flashing a bad firmware can brick your device). See Hashes & Checksums.
WRT54G_v8[1].0刷固件说明_百度文库 2009-12-15 · 如果恢复 linksys 官方固件 还是有问题 建议用 Tomato 的版本试试 刷好后记得用 Tomato NVRAM 清一下 NVRAM Tomato 1.28 下载 刷机玩还建议刷一下 Tomato DualWan 支持双 WAN 口的合并宽带 我是 V1.1 版本的只能刷 1.23 0341 下载 DD不建议刷 DD-WTR