Setting up a VPN Tunnel on two (2) routers. Step 1: Access the router’s web-based setup page. For instructions, click here . NOTE: If you're using a Mac ® to access the router's web-based Step 3: Click Status then Local Network and take note of the IP Address. Router A’s Status page: Router B’s

Jul 02, 2020 The Best VPN Routers for 2020 | PCMag Feb 13, 2020 VPN Router Setup In A Few Easy Steps | KeepSolid VPN Unlimited Nov 04, 2019

Select the Setup/Basic Setup tab, enter your router login information, and make the following changes: Change your router’s address from to Change the DNS settings to and The DNS is the “phone book” your browser uses to look up internet addresses. Linksys LRT214 Gigabit VPN Router: Computers I had the Linksys LRT224 VPN router from early 2014 to 12/23/2018 router stopped working on 12/23/2018. During these four years I had great service and will buy another Linksys LRT224 VPN router should be delivered on 12/29/2018 with a four-year protection plan. With an additional Linksys LRT224 VPN router as a backup. Router - PureVPN Cant find your router in the list? We work hard to make PureVPN compatible with wide range of devices. Click here to submit your Router details and we will try to get it working for you! Please use the comment box for your suggestions & feedback. For additional help, please submit support ticket with errors and screen shots (if possible) or contact our 24/7 live chat.

Broadband Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint

Linksys routers have gained popularity and a massive user base over the years. If you use a Linksys router to connect to the internet, then here’s a guide for you to configure PureVPN on your Linksys router. Things to Consider: Before you begin, please make sure that: You have a working internet connection; VPN Supported Router.